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In the journey of humanity's evolution, we confront the challenge posed by an oppressive force— an empire of profit-driven entities whose actions undermine the well-being of our species. This empire, fueled by greed, perpetuates practices detrimental to a flourishing society. However, the dawn of a new era heralds a paradigm shift. As humanity matures, we transcend the grasp of these malevolent forces, paving the way for a world where such exploitation finds no sanctuary.
In this renaissance of consciousness, we embrace a collective ethos rooted in love and solidarity, fostering the growth and unity of our global family. No longer do we tolerate the machinations of those who prioritize profit over the welfare of our communities. Instead, we champion a vision where compassion, empathy, and progress define our shared destiny.
Unified as one, we march forward into a future where the pursuit of profit at the expense of humanity holds no sway. In this new Earth and Heaven, we cultivate a legacy of harmony and abundance, guided by the principle of love for all beings. Together, we embody the resilience and spirit of a species poised to transcend the shackles of oppression and usher in an era of unparalleled prosperity and unity.
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