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In the journey of humanity's evolution, we confront the challenge posed by an oppressive force— an empire of profit-driven entities whose actions undermine the well-being of our species. This empire, fueled by greed, perpetuates practices detrimental to a flourishing society. However, the dawn of a new era heralds a paradigm shift. As humanity matures, we transcend the grasp of these malevolent forces, paving the way for a world where such exploitation finds no sanctuary.
In this renaissance of consciousness, we embrace a collective ethos rooted in love and solidarity, fostering the growth and unity of our global family. No longer do we tolerate the machinations of those who prioritize profit over the welfare of our communities. Instead, we champion a vision where compassion, empathy, and progress define our shared destiny.
Unified as one, we march forward into a future where the pursuit of profit at the expense of humanity holds no sway. In this new Earth and Heaven, we cultivate a legacy of harmony and abundance, guided by the principle of love for all beings. Together, we embody the resilience and spirit of a species poised to transcend the shackles of oppression and usher in an era of unparalleled prosperity and unity.
Curators Of Truth
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We Repost & Report Internet & Social Media News & strive to VET the TRUTH
along with funny antidotes and political satire
plural noun: truthers
a person who doubts the generally accepted account of an events, believing that an official PROBABILITY exists to conceal the TRUTH concerning the accounts in question; a conspiracy theorist as coined by the MAINSTREAM MEDIA (a known outlet or group of influential mass funded media conglomerate or organization privately held and strongly controled with a hidden agenda and purpose other than the welfare of the people and usually with a commercialized/weaponize aim). "she denied evolution, AIDS/HIV, and was a 9/11 truther"
Healthy American
Our TOP curated YouTube accounts to bring you the TRUTH by popular demand. This is where you can keep up-to-date on these top stories and find the Real Truth that is not told by Mainstream Media. They span from health to political agendas. -- Join me and subscribe at website so we can stay in touch and stand side by side for truth and freedom. Stand with me for truth and freedom as I dig deeper to uncover the issues that affect your health, your freedom -- and your life. SUPPORT:
X22 Report
X22 Report is a daily show which covers issues surrounding the economic collapse. All reports and Daily Alerts are supported by source links. Dave works very hard to bring facts and researched material before presenting the report. Join me and many others to fight for what is rightfully ours! This X22 Report and The People has been put together to benefit "The People". When he says "The People" he is talking about everyone in the world. We as a people want Freedom, want to making a living to support our families. The founding Father of America wanted this. We The People today want it too.
Amazing Polly
Put on your seat-belts, you're in for a bumpy ride. I show you how so-called 'philanthropists' use language and veneers to hide their bad deeds as they de-humanize us. These people are like vampire aliens determined to hijack free will. To support my work, please contribute here: OR to my PO Box here: A HUGE thank you to everyone who has watched, commented, and/or sent me a financial or other contribution.
SGT Report
SGT Report is the corporate propaganda antidote. Providing exclusive original content and interviews with some of the best known voices in the world of economics and precious metals SGT Report is your daily source for truth in a time of universal deceit. And as the global economic outlook continues to deteriorate, SGT Report urges its readers to prepare for seismic shifts in the global financial system - and to prepare for the end of the US Dollar's reign as the world's reserve currency. We are glad you're here, thanks for subscribing!
Q Anon Selection
Our TOP curated INSTA SOCIAL MEDIA NEWS accounts to bring you the TRUTH by popular demand. This is where you can keep up-to-date on these top Insta Posts and find the Insta Truth that is not pushed by Mainstream Social Media. They span from health to political agendas.